Job satisfaction has remained good

A work community survey arranged in the early autumn examined the wellbeing of the employees in five different areas:

  1. Own work
  2. Functionality of the work community
  3. Actions of one’s supervisor
  4. Skills and renewal
  5. Functional capacity and resources

The survey response rate was 72% (86% in 2020). The average score of all responses was 3.86 (on a scale of 1 to 5), which was the same as the result for the 2020 survey.

The employees considered supervisory work and their own ability to cope both physically and mentally with the demands of specialist work to be our greatest strengths. Goalsetting for one’s own work and the effortlessness of work are also perceived to be at a fairly good level.

“The employees considered supervisory work and their own ability to cope with the demands of specialist work to be our greatest strengths.”

The main areas for improvement involved the themes of “We dare to talk about the difficult issues” and “We consider the impact of changes on our work together”.

The unit-specific review sessions after the survey revealed that the need for improvement involved less the functioning of cooperation within the units than cooperation between units and the understanding of company-level processes. In particular, the employees would like to see more joint reflection on the impact of changes. The need to be heard has also increased.

The results from the work community survey have been discussed by the Executive Committee and themes have been drafted based on the unit-specific workshops to be used to create action plans for 2023.


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