Hansel Club became livelier

The first half of 2022 was still dominated by the pandemic, and people at the Postitalo office also worked in small health-safe teams. The club’s spring theatre experience was the Finnish National Theatre’s adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, for which 22 tickets were reserved for employees of Hansel. During the summer season, a group of Hansel employees took part in a cycling competition, and the 13 participants racked up a total of 6,600 kilometres.

After the holiday season, it was time for live meetings. One hot summer’s day in August was spent in Nuuksio, hiking, playing games, swimming and bathing in the sauna. In October, it was time for the traditional board game night at the office, and in November, 40 people went to the ballet to see Romeo and Juliet.

“After the holiday season, it was time for live meetings.”

In December, the Hansel Club Christmas party was arranged at Käpylän työväentalo, with about 90 people in attendance. The theme of the Christmas party was the 1950s, and many of the partygoers were dressed accordingly. The tradition of new Hansel employees arranging a play also continued after a break of a few years and was by far the most anticipated event of the evening.


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